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Day One:
Deep Technology
and Energy Innovation

Opening Remarks: Pete Newell

Fireside Chat with Steve Blank: State of Deep Tech in the US

Panel: Energy Perspectives

Deep Tech Ecosystems Discussion: Hello Tomorrow

Keynote: Vanessa Chan

Keynote: Vanessa Chan

Day One
Day Two

Day Two:
Evolution in the Aerospace Industry 

Keynote: Jenn Gustetic, NASA

Fireside Chat: Leveraging the Commercial Sector

Ask Me Anything: Space Founders & Funders

Panel: The Next Phase in Space

Day Three:
Blue Economy and Ocean Innovation

Fireside Chat: Gaps In Financing in the Blue Economy

Panel: Blue Economy

Fireside Chat: Strategic Ocean Alliance

Ask Me Anything: Blue Economy

Day Three
Day Four

Day Four:
Navigating the Deep Tech Ecosystem

Key Note: Swati Chaturvedi, Fundraising and Growth Strategy for Deep Tech

Fireside Chat: The Engine

Panel: Deep Tech Ecosystem Decision Makers

Ted Talk: Different Funds' Mack Kolarich

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